Team Goko: Kevin
The truth is, it is hard to put into words what Kevin being part of Team Goko means to us. We had so much to say that we both (Caroline and Sophia, Goko Kayaks co-founders) found ourselves writing enthusiastically about Kevin, and so we shared each of our narratives below...

Caroline's perspective:
"Kevin, well Kevin is Goko family. It all began one evening when Sophia noticed some suspicious activity in our neighborhood. Kevin was sitting outside his 16ft Airstream, as always. Sophia asked if he saw. It did not matter if he had, he jumped into action. Sophia and him became friendly and eventually she invited him to try our On the Water Meditation paddle. He was our first in person participant and began attending regularly. Having been taught meditation many years ago as a form of chronic pain relief, he loved adding the element of the water. Soon he bought his own kayak. He began helping load and unload Goko kayaks and the rest is history. His presence has made Goko into what it is today. With an Air Force and engineering background, he likes to work smarter, not harder and continues to come up with new ways to make kayak life easier. He repairs kayaks, helps scout new water, launches paddlers, guides and still faithfully attends OWM.
Some of our best adventures together have been during OWM. Like when a baby manatee tried to eat his red flag on the back of his kayak. Or the time we meditated anchored against a mangrove island. When we finished, the sky behind the mangroves had turned black. We looked at each other, not having to say anything, and never paddled faster. The storm front was blowing in fast, pushing us along the top of the water, rain was consuming Tampa's skyline across the bay. The waves around us swelled. We kept an eye on each other but knew the paddle to the water was the only thing we could do. Lightning split the sky and thunder echoed. Tired arms? Not now. We made it back to the mangroves on shore in the nick of time. The waves crashed onto the sand like we've never seen before. One right after another, and the storm hit. Sheets of sideways rain made us load our kayaks with a haste not often needed in calm kayak life.
Or the time a full moon rose as the Florida sun set and dolphin gracefully played during our meditation. The calm was overtaking. Much like Kevin. He has an island time mindset in the body of a mountain man with enough kindness to fill you up and then some. His laugh is resonating and sounds like what I imagine Santa's would if he were vacationing seaside.

Kevin has advice, but doesn't give it unless asked. He is polite, accepting, hard working and hard relaxing. He's become one of my best friends and our chosen family. His stories are enjoyable but he's a good listener too. Thank you Kevin, for being you and being around. Let's plan that big paddle adventure!"
Sophia's perspective:
"This Goko legend can usually be found coffee in hand, barefoot, and helping others. Kevin is an Air Force veteran, and holds a bachelors degree in automotive engineering. With heaps of knowledge and a tremendous protective and caring streak, Kevin is irreplaceable.
Kevin started out as a regular attendee of our On The Water Meditation (OWM)™. It was his first time in a kayak, and he described the experience as a “pure moment in time” and said “I now have another place to visit in my mind escapes”. Pretty soon, Kevin proved to not only be a great kayak teammate, but straight up Florida family. He bought his first kayak and launched himself into kayak life!

Originally from Indiana, he is well travelled, and has even lived off grid in the mountains! A great conversationalist and a calming presence, Kevin is very important to us. He has already accrued some interesting kayak stories, usually from his adventure paddles with his dear friend Caroline. He is someone you want in a tricky situation, a very clever and mindful soul. He has dedicated many a weekend to Goko Kayaks, and helped to get lots of happy paddlers out into our beautiful Florida waters. Kevin has a ‘no paddler left behind’ attitude and makes a great tail guide for tours and different meet up groups. Plus, he always has at least two flash lights, or some other useful tool on hand! His vast skill-set lends itself to excellent customer service, boat maintenance, company innovation, and staff morale. His gentle approach with novices inspires confidence and makes them want to return.
When not out paddling with Goko, Kevin can be found learning things on YouTube (YouTube University as he calls it), speaking with family, exploring new gadgets/tech, cooking, and relaxing with neighbors in the Florida sun. A great sense of humor and a mischievous side, Kevin is even partial to a little TikTok or cat meme! We love you Kevin- thank you for all that you do."
